Installation / Process Art
Variable dimensions
Through aesthetics and focusing on popular taste, this project illustrates three ways Cubans can invent a personal economic result with ownership of a business:
alternatives they create, legal businesses that depend on the alternative illegal operations, and the dream businesses they would create in Cuba if they could.
Different people describe and declare their businesses.

Installation - Site specific – Work in progress / Dreamed business / xl'2, 6th Contemporary Cuban Art Salon / Esto no es un café Gallery, Callejón del Chorro, Havana, Cuba.
Detail / Dreamed business / xl'2, 6th Contemporary Cuban Art Salon / Esto no es un café Gallery, Callejón del Chorro, Havana, Cuba.
Detail / Dreamed business / <i>Mobile Hostel in The Air. Ideal for tranquility, leisure and personal privacy.
Ready to make stops in all kinds of weather and continents. Completely natural and organic..
Detail / Dreamed business /<i>Design office - New ideas for the ADMI-Civic Center.
Detail / Dreamed business / Cold lemonade in tropical bubble.
Detail / Dreamed business / Being part of a producer to let me do all the ideas that occur to me, without limits of any kind.

© Grethell Rasua, 2024